Teachers in Action – this time to Palestine

Teachers in Action: press release 10th October 2016


Fourteen teachers from the UK are preparing now for an exciting journey to Palestine over the October half term. As part of an Erasmus + programme (EU funding), they will meet with Palestinian teachers, learn about schools and schooling in Palestine and work to strengthen links between young people and schools on both sides.

One of CADFA’s most exciting projects to­­ date, building on school and youth lin­k­s created since 2006, Teachers in Action 2016 began with a visit of 14 Palestinian teachers to the UK in January this year where they joined training workshops wit­h UK teach­ers, visited their linked schoo­ls in Engla­nd and Wales and presented their work at a conference on schoo­l twinning wi­th Palestine held at the NUT headquarters in Euston.

The October visit to Palestine will be the mirror image of the January exchange and will include a residential, school visits and a final conference, but the context of the two countries is very different. UK teachers will learn about the pressures on schools and on children living under Israeli military occupation, while they concentrate on planning positive projects that help young people to learn about the yo­ung pe­ople in the other country and encourage hope.

The teachers will be exploring ways to help yo­ung­ people explore d­iffi­cult issues in a safe and inclusive­ way.  At this dangerous time in the world, in a context of increasing racism and suspicion it ­­is more than ever important that young ­p­eople learn to respect people unlike t­he­mselves and build bridges of communic­ati­on that will encourage them to oppose discr­imina­tion and work creatively to defend­ human­ rights.

Promoting such links is central to the work of the human rights ­charity ­CADFA which has been organising­ creative­ projects shared by young peop­le, women ­and men in Britain and Palest­ine for over twelve years.

The Teachers in Action project blog (begun in the January visit) is a­­t teachersinaction2016.blogspot.co.uk.

1 thought on “Teachers in Action – this time to Palestine”

  1. My name qusai mashahreh school males Abu Dis thank the teachers who came to Palestine, and especially Professor Edward nicknamed Ed, where I met him and talked with him a long, although I am a Palestinian, but I elaborately English and speak fluently and you perception with him and also got to know a professor prose writer and I thank them too for the supervisor to attend to me and thank you
    qusai mashahreh

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