Palestinian youth visit Oct- Nov 2023

At the end of October, a group of 10 Palestinian young people together with 4 leaders will be coming to the UK to meet young people here, share experiences together and tell each other about their lives.
This is part of CADFA’s Building Hope | Voices from Palestine project which brings people together to learn about each other and what they can do to promote human rights.The visitors will be young people who have taken part in Zoom links with schools in the UK and joined the Beyond the Checkpoints youth advocacy project in Palestine this summer. They will have a varied programme of visits to schools and youth clubs including the chance to meet their Zoom friends in person.

Young people in Palestine growing up under military occupation and apartheid are confined by checkpoints, military walls and camps, no-go areas around Israeli settlements and severely affected by systematic violations of human rights and the daily stories of child prisoners and people hurt or even killed by military violence.Some if the group are from Jenin Camp and have recently lived through horrendous military attacks on their camp (in early July and again in September)
We know from previous visits what an amazing experience this visit will be for the young Palestinian visitors and a real eye-opener for young people in Britain who will meet and join activities with them.
The organiser, human rights charity CADFA, used to run similar projects with EU money which is no longer available, so this special opportunity for the young people in both countries is coming into being through on the fundraising efforts of hundreds of individuals and a number of groups across the country.
Keep an eye on this website for information about public events when you will have a chance to hear from the youbg Palestinians.

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