More Palestinian Women’s Voices in July

337077871_601697608503167_4949942204061493767_n (1)CADFA are looking forward to welcoming another three women visitors from Palestine in July as a second part of the Palestinian Women’s Voices Tour and part of the Building Hope project.

The first part of this tour took place in March when we brought ten women from Palestine to exchange experiences with women here and to tell people of their experiences as Palestinian women. We worked with partners from across the country, in some places peace groups, twinning groups, Palestine solidarity groups and in some places new groups of CADFA members and other interested people.

Our visitors between them visited women’s centres, schools, colleges and community organisations in the north-west, Midlands, west and south-west of England as well as London and Wales.  They managed to speak at over thirty different public meetings where the audience were at once upset by learning of the human rights violations that dominate their lives under Israeli occupation – and impressed by their warmth and their dignity as people.

There are pictures and comments on that visit in earlier posts here, below.

This new visit will be a chance for a new group of Palestinian women to go to areas that the first group did not visit: the south-east, East Anglia and the north-east. Look out for them in north, south and east London,  Sussex, Cambridge, Norfolk, Yorkshire and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

We will have three visitors:

Amneh, who was meant to come in March but whose passport was returned so slowly by the visa office that she missed the visit. Amneh is a children’s writer as well as a retired teacher – she is looking forward to meeting children’s authors here.

Sarah (on the right of the photograph), a new graduate from Jerusalem who is currently working with children with special needs. She also came with the first group in March and we are looking forward to seeing her again.

Sireen, a young women who lives in Jerusalem but was brought up in Nazareth – “I can tell the story from a different angle,” she says.

This is going to be a very interesting group. Events of many sorts are being planned, and details will be put here soon.

(The photo is of some of our friends who were with us in March)

CADFA #LinkingTogether4HumanRights


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